
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Researchers have developed "smart" holograms that can be used to detect health conditions and monitor diseases.
Researchers at University of Cambridge have developed holographic sensors that
 can be used to detect and monitor health conditions and diseases.
The “smart” holograms change color when they come in contact with certain 
compounds and they are being developed into cheap and portable medical devices
 and tests that can prove useful especially in developing countries where 
diagnostic tests can be costly.
The holographic sensors can be used to test a person’s breath, saliva, urine,
 blood, or tears for a wide range of substances like glucose, hormones, alcohol,
  drugs, or bacteria. The color-changing holograms can be checked against a color
 chart or possibly a smartphone camera — allowing people to monitor their medical
 progress on their own and without the need for expensive equipment.
Department of Chemical Engineering  Biotechnology Phd student Ali Yetisen, who 
led the research, said,
Currently, a lot of medical testing is performed on large, expensive equipment. 

While these sorts of inexpensive, portable tests aren’t meant to replace a doctor,

holograms could enable people to easily monitor their own health, and could be useful

for early diagnosis, which is critical for so many conditions.
The holograms are made of a highly absorbent material called a hydrogel, 
impregnated with silver nanoparticles. The silver nanoparticles are formed into 
3D-holograms using a single laser pulse. When they come in contact with 
certain compounds, the holograms shrink or swell, causing them to change color.
The holograms are currently being tested to monitor glucose levels and urinary 
tract infections in diabetic patients at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. The research team 
is also developing a smartphone-based test.
A paper on the research was published on the Advanced Optical Materials journal 
earlier this year.
smartholograms smartholograms-3
Source, Images: Gizmag

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing Barbara! I am needing new technology : ) This sounds like it is going to be a big benefit. I had heard recently of a 16 year old boy who developed a way to test for pancreatic (or ovarian?) cancer with a $3 test! And his tests are very very accurate. Who knows what is in our future? So many cool things to help out mankind are here now and more are coming. Yay!
